After a very long wait, HMD launched what was going to be the then flag bearer of their Nokia 5 series; the Nokia 5.3. The phone was launched in March 2020, and took over from the Nokia 5.1 Plus launched July 2018. Apart from it's good looks and good cameras and a powerful softwar, the Nokia 5.3 came in three Variants of 3GB, 4GB and 6GB all with 64 GB if internal storage. This has seen a huge price variance, and may confuse customers when buying the device. Apart from that we also felt the 64GB storage was not good enough for the 6GB variant, and that's why in this post we will only list phones that compete with the 3/4GB variant. A noticeable feature that Nokia should have done better in this phone is the screen display. It comes with a 6.55 inch display that is big enough, but it's HD resolution of 720 x 1600 to us is not good enough, and Nokia should have given us a Full HD 1080p display. The Nokia 5.3 close competitors and rivals include: Nokia 2.4. Nokia 5.1 Tecno ...