Samsung Galaxy S21 Vs Galaxy S20FE. After it's launch on January 15th, the Samsung Galaxy S21 is now available for pre-order in many countries including Kenya, with an official country launch expected soon. With a pre-order Price of Ksh. 119,999 at Jumia Kenya, it is clear that this is not a phone for every one, and it might be wise to first consider a number of alternatives before settling for one. Surprisingly enough, the Samsung Galaxy S20FE is one of the best Galaxy S21 are close Competitors with a number of similar specs with slight variations here and there. The S20FE was largely seen as a better alternative to last year's S20 series phones with slightly watered-down specs in order to bring it's price as low as possible without largely compromising on the overall S20 series experience. With a price of Ksh. 73,999 at Jumia, the Galaxy S20FE is half cheaper than the Galaxy S21, and in this article we are going to give you a detailed comparison of the two Smart...