The much awaited infinix hot 8 has finally launched today in India for RS 6,999 which is approximately Ksh.10,144. The phone which Leaked last month launched today and now takes offer from the Infinix hot 7 pro as the flagship of the Hot series. The hot series is Infinix budget smartphone series well known for it's revolutionary specs including big displays, huge batteries and lovely sleek designs at an affordable price. Other Infinix phone series are the youth focused S series, the Note Series and it's flagship Zero Series. All this phones have seen a huge success each released phone making alot of sales. However, the Hot series is the most enticing since it gives it's users a chance to own a phone with the latest smartphone technology at a very affordable price usually within the Ksh.10,000 mark. The Hot series have gained a lot of following since the hot 3. The Infinix Hot 8 is a dual SIM phone with 4G LTE support something we strongly suggested it our earlier post t...