Oppo have Launched their latest A series smartphone the Oppo A54 priced at Ksh. 20,499 and expected to be available in the country soon. This budget phone features typical specifications of a budget Smartphone consisting of a HD+ display, a Mediatek Helio P35 processor and a 5,000 mAh battery. The Oppo A54 has a 6.51 inch IPS LCD screen with a HD+ resolution of 720 x 1600 pixels and a pixel density of 270 ppi. This is almost the same display quality of a 10K phone and there is nothing out of ordinary here when it comes to the display. It is powered by the Mediatek Helio P35, a chipset that was initially ment for mid-range phones but is now seen as a budget chipset. This is the same processor in a number of 2019 and 2020 phones including the Tecno Phantom 9, Infinix S5 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy A21 among other phones. Unlike many phones that come with a number of memory variants, the Oppo A54 is available in only one memory variant of 4GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage making ...